when I turn 16

It was my 16th birthday when my parents decide to give me a birthday celebration at home; of course all of my classmates were invited including CLOUD. I’m so worried when they brought that big gift at home wrapped with pink, and I only get my calmness when I saw the gift with only my name written on it and one of my girl friend claim that gift was from my closest friends.

Until 9 in the evening my closest friends were still at home including CLOUD. I became close to him that special day of mine. I sit beside him and didn’t notice that my Mom was watching us.

All thought it was a happy day of mine, but it wasn’t. After my friends leave our home that night, my Mom confronts me about CLOUD. Asking why I’m close to him, why I sit beside him and what is my relationship with him. Lots of words I gain from my Mom, she is mad at me, I felt like I’m done a big mistakes in life. I cried that night and decide not to tell CLOUD what happened.

I understand my Mom; I know that she only want the best in me. I understand her sermon and the things she want me to do and the thing she want me to avoid, like saying it will be good for me to have a boyfriend after I finish college. I know how much she tried to explain to me things about love and infatuation. At that age of mine I understand my Mom and I know I will follow what she wants and says, because still my family is my priority.