Our last year in high school was full of memories even some of it were heartbreaking memories. In this year we know each other more. You can see us together in school chatting. Sometimes we were seatmate in class. Take our food break together; we walk together, we done projects and assignment together and go to church together at Sunday.

He became a best friend of mine. Even lot of memories happened I still know the fact that it’s not always be perfect. We know that we like each other, but it can’t be the two of us. Sometimes it became the reason why we became mad at each other but still we manage to be okay. It bothered me a lot whenever there are people who saw us together and there’s a possibility that they will tell it to my Mom what they see. I know that we didn’t do any wrong, but still I’m worried because of wrong interpretation that even though how hard I explain they can’t fully understand. All I know is that I want CLOUD to be a part of my life.